Tuesday, January 10, 2006

The Energy Efficient Renewable Home: How, Why and Questions

Thoughts on Beginning to Change How Homes Are Built
(I do like bulleted lists)

Transforming the Market Place for New Homes:
Moving beyond Big Somewhat Energy Efficient Homes

My brothers passive and active solar, moderately sized, very well insulated, earth bermed home in Michigan

What Wisconsin is doing now:

The Wisconsin Energy Star home program, (in terms of energy and the environment) is it a success?

What is an Energy Efficient Renewable Home?

Concepts that an EE RE home embraces

Concepts that an EE RE home may embrace

Why do EE RE home markets need support:

In Wisconsin:

Possible Reasons Why people would be interested in EE RE homes

Possible reason why people would want to live in a moderate sized home

Possible early adopters

Eventual Goal:


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